Monday, November 24, 2008

True Blood/Entourage/new rip it video/Grunny love

Happy Heroes Monday. The Eclipse is about to happen tonight on my fav show. We get 2 splashdowns-splashPeter & splashNathan. Then we get brofight & bromance. Weee.

I digress-me sorry. True Blood is becoming another favorite for me. Last night, Bill and Sam bothed saved Sookie's butt. Then, she and Sam saved Bill's butt. Rene-you are so poofed in the most disgusting way. Maryanne-who are you? Jessica went from biblebeater to vamp hooker in one episode. Whose legs aree hanging from Andy Bellefleur's car?

Entourage rocked it. I can't believe that Vince got the lead in a Scorcese flick. Way to go, E & Ari. Nice cameo, Mr. Phelps.

Joe DSC from Seattle made an awesome Rip It video. I nearly peed myself it was so funny.

I got a retwit from Grunny in responds to me asking him to say hi to Buckshotwon, Cristine, and Sendhil for me. I also said I want the Heroes cast under my tree this year. He responded by saying 'will do. You better not pout-I'm telling you why...' I want to retwit back to him by saying 'Petrelli Claus is coming to town. I also a twit from him saying there is no way the strike will happen. That made me happy. He also mentioned the ratings will settle down. Woohoo.

Ok. My hair is wet. My lunch needs to be prepared. I need to go. Ttyl.


Taffy said...

WOOO! Grunny LOVE! That rocks. I also request the Heroes cast under my tree. Share the love. Better yet, have a massive party where we can all share! I'm down for that!
Yay for BROMANCE!!*evil grin* I know what you're thinking about. MUWAHAHHAAHAHAA!

Anonymous said...

That was Lafayette in the back of the cop car. You remember that he always painted his toenails. That's why Tara's scream was a little different than Sookie's scream.