Sunday, February 19, 2012

My newest Canadian adventures

I went to Niagara Falls for the 3rd annual BFTV concert at the Fallsview Casino. I awoke to a new layer of snow. I immediately turned on the weather because it could delay my trip. Luckily, it was quick moving. I got my hair styled. I got there and I was able to check in early. As I was getting out of the elevator, I saw Greg Grunberg from Heroes. He knew who I was and we exchanged pleasantries. I got to my room and it overlooked the falls. I met Kat and we chilled for a little bit until we decided to explore the casino. We went to get the tickets at will call and ran into Kat's favorite - Bob Guiney. She got a picture with him. I knew she needed a drink so I took her to Canyon Creek. After we came out, my friends told me that Adrian had walked through. Missed him going into sound check. We did more exploring and we went back to Canyon Creek for dinner. Dinner was great but expensive. Should have had the appetizer. After dinner, Kat & Amy went to Kat's hotel. Amy came back over to my room at 730pm. I wish I had been downstairs because I has missed Adrian walking out of sound check. We did go down for the concert at 8:20pm. I hit my seat and waited the 40 minutes. The show started with a video then the lights came back up. The band wasn't ready. Then 5 minutes later, the entire theater went black. Everyone came except Hugh but Teri Hatcher joined instead. Adrian looked so amazing. No stubble. Rock God. The band played a good chunk of their favorites along with new covers. At the finale, I went to usual spot and then Adrian went wireless for the first time and I was psyched. Jesse stole the show as usual and got a standing ovation. Adrian and I spoke a little bit about post show. R5 was the spot. We walked out & walked up to R5 but it was mega busy. I came back down and hung out in front of the theater. Adrian walked out and we hugged immediately. I asked for a picture but he wanted to change his shirt. I asked if he was back up to R5 and he said yes. I went to R5 and about 15 minutes Adrian back up and went to the VIP area. Saw and hugged Scott, Bob, Grunny. I left Adrian to tell stories. Around 12, some girls asked for pictures and he obliged. I waited until he was done. We hugged again and talked about TLG (which he's never seen), Milo. We had to take a close quarters photo, I kissed my right eye so technically I'm officially a Pasdarian/Ventimiglian now. It was so hot from the fireplaces that I had to blot my face several times. I ordered 2 rum & cokes & a Bellini. They were so good. 150 arrived and I managed to get a 3rd goodnight hug from Adrian. We decided to walk back to the hotel but security was against it. Boo. stupidity hit and never said goodbye and good night to my friends. I just wanted my bed. I got to my room and I shivered so bad that I had to take a hot shower. I slept restlessly for 6 hours. I got cleaned up and left. I wish I had stayed around until 11am at least.