Saturday, January 3, 2009

possible 2009 Comic Con return

My parents have bribed me with airfare out to San Diego for Comic Con 2009 if I join Curves and start dropping weight again. I just need to come up with the hotel, food, and spending money. This means a lot of exercise and a lot of overtime. I plan on making Heroes the only relaxation in my hectic year to come. If it works, I shall be enjoying Comic Con with Taffy,Jen,Isa,Mabes,Loren,Foxsyd and maybe Jenna.

1 comment:

Cynthia and Lauren's Blog said...

My mom said she'd pay for my airfare as well!
Hotels are sooooo expensive! I'm probably going to end up at one a little farther because I can't afford $515 a night at the marriot. :(