Sunday, December 21, 2008

Reflecting on my year 2008

2008 was a very good year for me. I had gastric bypass surgery on 2/13/08. I was really scared but it worked for the best. I have lost 150 lbs so far. I would like to be 175 lbs. I went to San Diego in July for SDCC 2008. This was the trip that I had been talking about since January 2008. It was a blast thanks to Kitty DSC & Jenna DSC. I stayed at the Marriott Marina. I loved the fun we had. We enjoyed bicycle taxis to the Fishmarket restaurant. The taxis were driven by some very cute Portugese men. Yum. On Friday, July 25th, 2008, we got a message from Jeff DSC saying that there was 500 people hanging outside of Hall H to find out that there was only 100 people in front of us. We had so much fun talking to a drunk producer from Attack of the Show. We took a ton of video and slept as much as we could. We had awesome seats for the Heroes panel. It was so worth every penny to see the cast of the I wish I had been closer but the camcorder worked perfectly. I almost had a chance to get into a signing with Milo Ventimiglia but security was acting like shit. I decided to go to the REST panel instead where I got front row seats. There was a mini meetup in the room-HP,ZQ,DD,LL,RC.MV,MV dad in the house. That was so awesome. I was going to stay after but I needed to get back to the hotel to get cleaned up for dinner at Buca. We were going to hang out with Dino, Russ and possibly Milo but they were rushed out of town for security reasons. No bigs. The rest of the trip was fun. The next big thing was the Heroes premiere which was September 22nd-my birthday. I gave a friend of a friend tickets to the premiere in LA. I got the best birthday present ever-a dual happy birthday greeting from Milo and Adrian. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I plan on going back to SDCC in 2010. Happy holidays to one and all.

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